Shenzhen Kaissely Sci-tech Development Co., Ltd is a collection of development, design, sales, installation and consulting services of specialized high-tech new companies. Since the founding of the company we committed to the pressure flow roof rainwater drainage system (siphon drainage) kitchen sewage and waste Same floor drainage system, rainwater collection and utilization, sewage lifting system ( vacuum drainage ● sewage lifting device ● Integrated oil separation equipment, Seimic-Restraint installation system, sponge City solutions and engineering services. Help users to improve the efficiency of resource utilization, to create a green, efficient and energy-saving environment.
As a modern new enterprise, we gathered a group of elite in the drainage industry, they have extensive experience in operation management, marketing and drainage technology, and also made fruitful contribution in their respective positions, they have a common idea, for a common goal they come together and to make every effort to promote the development of Kaissely.
公司憑借高品質的產品、高水準的技術和全方位的優質服務。并全面貫徹實施已通過的 GB/T19001-2008 idt ISO9001:2008 質量管理體系認證。為了更好的為大家服務,公司分別在:武漢、重慶、成都、西安、天津、福建、上海、設有聯絡處。業務遍布全國,對各地雨水環境,建筑格局都有系統的數據統計。擁有豐富的工程技術經驗。工程中能實現更加美觀合理的布局規劃,同時能保證最大限度的發揮產品的功效。
Companies with high quality products, high level of technology and a full range of quality services. And fully implement the IDT ISO9001:2008 GB/T19001-2008 quality management system certification. In order to provide best serve to custom, companies has liaison office in Wuhan, Chongqing, Chengdu, Xi'an, Tianjin, Fujian, Shanghai, and so on. We have system data statistics on rain around the environment and the architectural pattern, and our business all over the country. We have a wealth of engineering experience. The project can achieve a more beautiful and reasonable layout planning, while ensuring the maximum extent of the product's effectiveness.
公司成立至今承接了: 湖北武當山機場、杭長線五個高鐵站、西安市地鐵三號線運營庫、深圳華為、百度大廈、仁山智水、珠海馬賽公館、中山御城金灣、江門益丞國際廣場、重慶東方廣場、重慶永川城中城家居博覽中心、等國內多個省市形象工程,出色的完成虹吸排水、同層排水等系統的設計 、供貨 、安裝及售后服務工作,得到業主、總包和監理及設計單位的一致認可。
Company has undertaken domestic several provinces image projects such as the Wudang Mountain in Hubei airport, Hangzhou long-term high III station, Xi'an Metro No.3 line operation library, Shenzhen Huawei, Baidu edifice, Renshanzhishui, Marseille Zhuhai mansion, Zhongshan Royal Bay City, Jiangmen Yi Cheng International Plaza, Oriental Plaza in Chongqing ,Yongchuan City, Chongqing City Home Expo Center and et al, the completion of outstanding siphon drainage,same layer drainage system design,delivery, installation and after-sales service work,get the unanimous endorsement of the owner, general contractor and supervision and design units.
Kaissely people adhering to the " respect, dedication, innovation, high efficiency " spirit of enterprise, and we committed to the introduction of high-quality products and constantly developing innovative technology, service in the vast number of old and new customers for good reputation, create a corporate culture is Kaissely continuously growing foundation.
We would like to thank all our friends who concern and support for the development Kaissely, and also we cherish every cooperation with you, to serve you and meet your needs is the eternal pursuit of Kaissely.
凱仕利(中國)-企業認證GB/T19001-2016 / ISO 9001:2015質量管理體系認 GB/T24001-2016 / ISO 14001:2015環境管理體系認 虹吸式雨水收集排放系統國家信息中心軟件評測中心認證 虹吸式雨水斗實用型專利 雨水收集模塊實用型專利 | |
核心價值觀我們的核心價值觀是“品質保障,價值創造”。“品質保障,價值創造”是對我們長期以來關注高品質服務、崇尚績效管理的總結與概括。我們在發展過程中始終強調一切以客戶為中心,不斷提升誠信履約能力,保障我們的項目品質、管理品質、服務品質持續優化;始終秉承“績效文化”,通過高品質的服務實現與各利益相關方的共贏和價值的最大化。 | |
企業精神誠信 創新 超越 共贏 企業精神是員工共同具有的工作傾向和態度,我們的企業精神是“誠信、創新、超越、共贏”。誠信是我們的立業之基,創新是我們的制勝法寶,超越是我們的發展動力,共贏是我們的價值追求。如果把中國建筑比做世界建筑之林中一棵參天大樹,那么“誠信”就是樹之根,根不固則無以依存;“創新”是樹之質,質不韌則無以抗風雨;“超越”是樹之干,干無力則無以立身;“共贏”是樹之養,養不濟則無以生長。 | |
企業愿景我們把愿景確立為“做排水行業最信賴,最有價值的前沿企業”這意味著在排水領域,我們將發揮全產業鏈競爭優勢,成為行業領先、成熟穩健的企業。 |